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What Do Women's Rights Have To Do with Addictions?

How many of you have lost sleep this week with the overturning of Roe v Wade? Well, I have! In my heart, I had always felt that things would be alright in this country, and that we would eventually reach a place of diversity, equity and inclusion for all. I knew it would be an upward battle, but to add more than half of our country's people to this already sweltering pot, is overwhelming, to say the least. I mean, who's left who isn't being oppressed or abused in this country in some way? Only a few, and we know who they are. The constitution was written by these same few who didn't believe in equal rights for women or people of color.

When things feel overwhelming for me, I have to tell myself that all I can do is start in my corner of the world, in this case, making precision addiction care accessible and stigma-free so that everyone can get the help they deserve to live a healthy and resilient life.

Calvin and I have spent 5 years working towards this. Last week's ruling only deepens our resolve to help those with addictions, who otherwise, will fall through the cracks, and have been for way too long. In the midst of this mission, we just launched our new website and are really excited for you to take a look at it and give us feedback. There's something for everyone in there!

Last week's backward leap is closely connected to those with substance misuse and addictions. Let's start with one of the risk factors: unsafe or aggressive behaviors, including sex. According to a study on 119 college campuses, nearly 72 percent of women who were raped, were under the influence. Sadly, nearly 150,000 students are developing substance problems in the first year of college. According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), about 44 percent of women and 25 percent of men experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime. (One in five women and one in fourteen men have been raped.) That's not only staggering, but we also know that very few come forward because of the stigma, fear of ridicule, or losing their jobs. And 92 percent of both women and LGBTQ students, in another study reported at least one type of behavioral or emotional consequence from their assault, which includes substance misuse.

How many of those who struggle with addictions will be able to manage parenthood before they are in recovery, not to mention the health of both the mom and baby-to-be? And yes, addictions are chronic illnesses and not moral failings.

So, as we enter this July 4th, Independence Day weekend, we have a lot to think about. How are we going to "celebrate"? What are we actually celebrating?

By treating addictions like other chronic illnesses, Compris shifts the conversation from stigma to inclusion—turning substance misuse behaviors into opportunities to build resilience at work, home, school, and the military, as well as in institutional settings such as jails.

We have never been, nor will we stay neutral. There are too many people who need help and we will continue working as hard as we can to accomplish our mission.

To learn more, visit

Stay safe and healthy,

Thank you.

Joyce and Calvin


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